End of the EPO 10-day rule: What you need to know about this administrative change.
The Administrative Council of the EPO decided to abolish the 10-day rule, the legal fiction under which the date of receipt of a document from the EPO was automatically deemed to be 10 days from the dispatch of the communication.

Better Understanding: Unitary patent (UP) & Unified Patent Court (UPC)
From the summer of 2023, to obtain protection in the countries of the European Union (EU), a European Patent with unitary effect (“Unitary Patent” –

Laurent & Charras is ready for NFT
On the 11th of march 2021, Mike Winkelmann a.k.a Beeple headlined the news by selling a numeric collage “Everydays: The First 5000 days for more

The Provisional Patent Application
A new tool for the protection of Industrial Property, the Provisional Patent Application has been available in France since July 1, 2020. What is it?